
What are the Best Blogging Tips for Beginners in 2021

Hey beginners, Do you want to start a blog?

If you are a beginner and don’t know how to start it? So, what things to be kept in mind before starting blogging?

And you might don’t know how to do blogging in a professional way?

Then no worries! This Blogging tips for beginners guide are just for you, and you are exactly at the right place.

If you are starting your journey as a blogger, you will definitely make many mistakes as a beginner that can hamper your growth.

So in this post, I will share with you some blogging tips for beginners that will help you to kickstart your blogging journey.

Even if you are not a beginner then these tips will also be useful to you.

Do the research and set your goal?

First of all, before starting a blog do some research online and figure out what your goal is.

What is your motive behind blogging?

Best Blogging Tips for Beginners
Best Blogging Tips for Beginners

Like you are starting a blog because you want to make money, want to help other people, want to share knowledge and experience, or you love writing.

First, fix your goal and when you are clear about your goal then it will be easier for you to start.

???? Choose your niche

First, let me tell you what does a niche means?

Niche is a Particular category/topic (eg: Travelling, lifestyle, health, fitness, financial, fashion, technology, Digital Marketing, sports, food, games, etc.) on which you have to write or create content.

What are the Best Blogging Tips for Beginners in 2021

Choosing the perfect Niche is very important. Most people get confused about which niche they should choose as there is a lot of competition already in every niche.

According to myself, anyone including you should go for that niche in which you have an interest and have basic knowledge about that, this will make it easier for you to write.

Always choose a micro-niche or sub-niche in order to avoid competition. 

For example- you are interested to write on the topic of technology but it includes a variety of sub-niches Like gadgets, computer, mobile. Suppose you have chosen the Computer and this also includes various options inside it like graphics card, software, hardware, processor, etc and from this now you have chosen software on which you want to write your blog and this is your Niche. 

I will prefer you to choose a Single niche for your blog, It will be more effective and helps you to grow faster. You should focus on a limited audience and try to solve their queries.

 If you are writing on multiple niches then your audience will not get engaged. It will become very difficult to attract them and Google will give preference to those websites that are focusing on a single niche.

So, These are some factors you should keep in mind before choosing your blogging niche.

☑️ Competitor Analysis

After choosing your niche you have to select the topic on which you want to write. for finding out the topics, you can take the help of the answerthepublic.com website, and there you will see a lot of topics related to your niche.

After selecting the particular topic, search it on google and Go through the various websites which have great quality content or ranking on the first page. 

Read the content one by one and ask yourself whether they are providing satisfying content or problem-solving content or not which mistakes they have done, what type of information is missing, also check the number of words they have written, how many images they have used, how many internal and external linking they have done, how frequently they are posting and note it down somewhere.

If You want to get ahead of your competitors, Analysis of your competitors is very essential like if they are using two images then you have to use three or four, if they are posting two times a week then you have to post 3-4 times a week, if they are writing articles of word around 2000 then you have to write more than that.

☑️ Choose the right blogging platform

 If you want to make a career in blogging and you are very serious about it then it is very important to choose the right blogging platform. Many bloggers as a beginner do this mistake that they go for free blogging platforms like wordpress.com or blogger.com in order to save money but it is not safe for you, 

There are some limitations as you do not have full control over your blog, customization options are very limited, You can’t use the custom domain name, can’t use WordPress plug-ins, you can’t monetize your blog, and much more.

So I’ll suggest you use WordPress. org. I personally use this blogging platform and trust me this is the easiest to use and is the world’s most popular blogging platform. It comes with various features like there are Endless customization options, Can create any type of site that you want, can monetize your blog.

The best part about this blogging platform is that it is totally free, you just have to pay a hosting fee.

???? Design of your blog

What are the Best Blogging Tips for Beginners in 2021

Once your WordPress blog I said Top then you have to choose a theme to design your blog. Choose your theme very carefully because it will affect the loading speed.

Designing of your blog should be very simple and clear. Don’t overload your homepage because most of the people think that the visitors will first visit the homepage and they give too much information there.

Due to heavy stuff, your website will not load fast. But the fact is that more than 90% of visitors will directly visit the blog post or see your other posts from the related searches.

Use only 2 to 3 colors in your blog otherwise, it will not look good or you can say professional.

You can use ????Elementor website builder???? to design your blogs, it is super light. It comes with a variety of beautiful themes and you can create stunning pages in minutes.

???? Write unique and valuable content

Don’t copy anybody’s content. As a beginner we sometimes copy from some other blogs or completely copy and paste the content, don’t dare to do this mistake. 

If you think that no one will notice your actions then you are completely wrong. Each and every action is tracked and this will affect your search engine rankings so write your own content.

Write something unique which is unavailable on other blog posts. If you want traffic on your website then you should give a reason to your audience that why they should read your blogs.

You should write in an informal way like you are communicating with your friends. This will engage your audience and will make your content more interesting.

???? Optimize your content

What are the Best Blogging Tips for Beginners in 2021

If you want to get a massive amount of traffic then it is very necessary to rank your content on the first page of Google. 

And to rank your content on the first page of Google you have to optimize your content which means that you should have some basic knowledge about search engine optimization.

If you don’t have basic knowledge about SEO don’t worry I will share with you some simple SEO tips with which you can easily write SEO  optimized blog posts.

So here are some basic SEO optimization tips But you should keep your in your mind while writing blog post-

First of all, do keyword research. After doing keyword research, find out the search volume and competition of that specific keyword. You can take the help of various tools like Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Google suggestions, Google keyword planner.

Take care of the keyword density means a number of times the focus keyword is repeated in your article. Keyboard density should be around 1-1.5%.

Avoid over keyword stuffing. It means don’t use your keyword excessively in the article in order to rank it on search engines.

Use keywords in the title, slug, and meta description.

optimize the images and videos you are using in your blog.

Your content should be properly readable, should be neat, and clean. you should use short paragraphs instead of long ones, it looks catchy and good.

Above are some SEO tips that you should implement if you are a beginner.

✔️ Mobile-friendly website

What are the Best Blogging Tips for Beginners in 2021

Your website must be mobile-friendly. This is one of the most important factors to get a higher ranking on search engines. 

Your website should look perfect on all devices like tablets, mobile phones, desktop, computer because there is every type of audience who use different devices while scrolling content. Most people use phones so  It is very important to make your website mobile-friendly. It increases user experience.

Your website should load faster as this will decrease your bounce rate. The minimum website speed must range between 2sec-5 sec. You can check the speed of your website with the help of a Google website speed checker or GTmetrix. If the loading speed of a website is more than 5 seconds then you need to optimize your website speed.

Now the question is how can you increase the speed of your website? By using various plug-ins you can optimize the speed of your website. You can use VPS hosting and if you want your website to load faster on mobile devices then you can use an AMP plug-in on your site. 

Write in-depth & informative articles

Length of the article also plays a very important role in ranking higher in Google as Google prefers lengthy and informative content.

For the sake of ranking, it doesn’t mean that you can write something irrelevant or illogical to increase the length of the article, it should be knowledgeable & meaningful. 

The length of the article also depends upon the topic you are writing for. You should write a minimum 2000 words article if you want to rank your content higher on Google. 

The quality of the content also matters. Quality and quantity are equally important so you have to balance both these factors.

???? Google Analytics

What are the Best Blogging Tips for Beginners in 2021

You should definitely insert Google analytics code in your website. Google Analytics will record each and every action of your visitor which will help you to modify your marketing strategy for the future.

Through Google Analytics you can know on which post you are getting maximum traffic, traffic coming from which source or channel, how much time visitors are spending there, Which page is loading fast, which page is loading slow, the number of times they visited your website.

Through Google analytics, you can get complete insights that will be helpful for you or target the right audience and build your marketing strategy.

You can see the past history or record of your past data and you can compare the performance of 2 different periods or even hourly, daily, monthly yearly and can modify your marketing decisions for the future.

For example – if you are running a campaign and it is going well and giving you quick and better results and if in future you won’t have the same results then it will be easier for you to copy the results as you have the complete picture of your website in front of you. You can easily get to know which ad copy is better, how many visitors have converted, how many visitors are interested so now it will be easier for you to target the audience.

Understand your audience

If you want to become a successful blogger then it is very necessary to understand your audience. As you are writing content for your audience not for yourself so you should know which type of content they like, what problems they are searching for, what type of blogs they read, What is their area of interest etc.

You should know, for whom you are writing the content, who is your target audience.

If you will not create according to the wants and needs of your audience then why will they come to your site and read your blog, your content is not useful or relevant to them.

Before writing content just ask yourself, if you are in the same situation as your audience then what type of questions, queries will come to your mind. This will make it much easier for you to write. 

You have to write keeping in mind what your audience wants and whether your content is satisfying the problem and queries of your audience or not. If you want to connect with your audience then you should know about the audience.

Let’s take an example- If you are targeting the people who are preparing for the competitive exams. Before writing assume that you are also preparing for the competitive exam then what you will need? You want to know some tips and tricks on how to attempt the exam, want some PDF Collection, last year’s question papers, current affairs Analysis, advanced maths trick, etc. So target your audience by covering the topics they require.

It should be like, while your audience is reading your blog they should feel that this is what they are searching for, they have got the solution to their problem.

You can take the help of Google analytics to know about your audience. If you have a complete picture of your audience in your mind then it will be easier for you to attract the audience.

Add pages of privacy policy, terms & conditions-

Add an SSL certificate

There are more than 200 factors that directly or indirectly affect your search engine rankings. Google never mentions anywhere about those factors but one factor is emphasized by Google again and again which is the SSL certificate.

On August 6, 2014, Google has clearly confirmed that websites with an SSL certificate (https://) would get an added advantage in the search engine results pages.

If you have an SSL certificate on your website on your domain then your connection will be secure Means your data is 100% protected or you can say end to end encrypted no one can hack your personal and sensitive information such as ID passwords, credit card details.

SSL certificates build the trust of your audience as they feel secure that the data provided by them to you is safe and secure. They don’t hesitate to provide you with personal information.

Another benefit of an SSL certificate is that it helps to increase the authentication of your website and it is one of the norms that we have to comply within the payment card industry. Every business which is running online must have at least a 128 bit SSL certificate with proper encryption.

According to PCI guidelines, It is compulsory to acquire an SSL certificate from a trusted source Plus if you want to deal in card payment then your website must be fully encrypted.

You have to first purchase the SSL certificate then implement it on your domain. Now SSL certificate is mandatory.

Push notifications-

Another blogging tip for beginners is to add push notifications to your website. If the reader has come to your website, read the blog and subscribe to the push notifications. Example- Allow updates from techevoke

The benefit of push notification is that Whenever your post will be published your audience will get a notification, they will directly come to your blog to read it out if they are interested in that topic.

Your audience is connected with your content and likes to read your content then they will definitely allow push notifications. Users prefer push notifications as they do not have to do any extra hard work like filling up the name, e-mail, contact number.

Another benefit of push notification is that the user directly gets a notification or any other update on their mobile phones, so there are fewer chances that they will miss it.

Build an email list-

If you have an email list and it is like the cherry on the cake. Very very important to build an email list and you should try to do it from the very first day of your blogging if you are a beginner.

Creating your own email list is not a one-day task it took time but if you have a well-built email list then you can get various benefits-

  • You can directly communicate and engage with your subscribers.
  • You can promote your products and services to your subscribers
  • Provide daily updates like about a new blog post

It is not very easy to create your own email list as you have to use a very strong call to action so that visitors can get attracted and provide you the personal details like you can provide them with some free ebooks, free PDF download, and free consultation.

You should send interesting emails on a regular basis, This will create a great impact on their mind and they will not forget you.

An email list is also important for any effective marketing campaign and for business growth so you should definitely start building your own email list.

Do guest blogging/posts

Guest blogging/posting is the best practice to get more traffic and a higher ranking on search engines.

You may don’t know what guest blogging is? 

No worries, Guest blogging/posting is the process in which you create content and publish it on other’s websites. 

By using guest blogging you can easily build backlinks and if you post content on the higher authority websites like websites with high domain authority and high page authority then there are high chances of higher ranking of your blogs/website.

Guest posting is not an easy task, If you want to get backlinks from a high authority website you may have to pay some money, or on another side you have to create your website authority first so that You can fix a good with the management team of that website.

Now you will think that if you will give a link to another website from your article then all the traffic will be directed towards that website, right?

If your content is not valuable for the users that are not satisfied with your content then they will obviously move to the next blog right then also the traffic will be directed but the benefit of doing external linking is that it will make your content more valuable which is again a factor for higher ranking on Google.

So now let’s find out what is Internal Linking – Internal Linking is making links with your own website blogs. This is beneficial to give proper information and references to your blog readers.

External Linking – Making Links with external website blogs, service pages, and so on. This is good to give a reference of detailed and high-quality content regarding the terms you make the link with.

Note- Consistency is the Key to Blogging. In order to take your blogs to high ranking, you want to generate more dollars then you should be consistent.


I hope you liked this guide and you are ready to launch your first blog. No matter what is your purpose, because If you have patience and skills then your blog will achieve the goal definitely.

According to my experience and knowledge, Blogging should be an hobby, just because if you are not passionate about something then you cannot be consistent on that particular thing.

But the majority of blogs exist on the web only for getting traffic to their service pages, to their sales pages, and so on. It is good to get traffic but ultimately you have to follow all these steps that I have shared in the blogging guide.

And one thing more I want to say, If you face any problem, if you have any doubt regarding this guide or you want some suggestions, you can comment below any time.

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